Micheal Synder (michaeltsnyder@substack.com) is a long time doomer and people do poke fun at him...confess to having done so myself..... but he's essentially on the money with the majority of his comments, he loves his country & his heart is in the right place. And his doom is starting to look scarily real..

His latest blog, just posted, basically repeats what you've said above. We're being snowed.

Here's the thing: I feel I'm reasonably up to date with what's going on politically both locally & overseas. I'm not fanatical but just would rather spend the hour before my glass of warm milk & 8pm beddy-byes on the net looking at something useful than watching MSM dross (unless it's a re-run of MASH, of course) BUT this is the first I've heard about this Summit - that our Penny is running off there to sign us up.

Who will we blame? No-one but ourselves and we are about to get, good & hard, pretty much what we deserve for being disinterested, dumb, detached & in denial of the reality being put in place, piece by piece around us. Think fences; bars; prison.

Like inmates of Super Max or Long Bay, we'll have time enough to reappraise & regret. But unlike them, when the well-oiled iron gates finally clang closed behind us and our gate-keepers man the digital watch towers, there'll be no release date, probably any time this century...or maybe the next.

We do get what we deserve. Maybe there really are 'no accidents in the Universe'

I was going to comment on local elections but, sorry, I'm all metaphored out... :)

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You did extremely well. I am interested to look up Michael's work. You are right that we are to blame but there are so many issues to run after. Warm milk and bed by 8pm? I don't believe it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Basically, it IS a conspiracy.

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A good summary

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