Clare O’Neil doesn’t disclose her status as a WEF Young Global Leader on her Parliament bio page: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=140590

Given the audacious global plans of the World Economic Forum, e.g. the Great Reset, Clare O’Neil should be clearly disclosing her association with this extremely influential ‘not for profit’…which is partnered with the corporate world, and with politicians at its beck and call.

Was the electorate of Hotham informed about O’Neil’s connection to the WEF before elections?

How can the electorate make properly informed decisions in elections if they are not made aware of all pertinent information about candidates?

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Fantastic information Warren.. the Democracy Taskforce is mind-blowing! Was Australia always this mad... or was I just not paying attention?

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+1 Ehret !

This was recommended to be on the *Minds* platform.

https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1662344778450210834?referrer=flyingaxblade <-- does not lead back to this post, but to something that The Crowhouse encouraged us to try out.

Cherish is the new love, be well.

May God nod to ward thee & thine! ;^}>

P.S. I posted your green [%ages] on *Minds*

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Another excellent, droll report.

Would it be impolite of me to precis to: 'The left continue to tear apart the fabric of western civilisation - and Australia is proudly up there, leading the pack, teeth glistening with our blood'?

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A grim but fair assessment.

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I was going to add, 'while the sheep go Baaaaaa' - but there's probably already a law against it , cruelty to sleeping sheep, or something.

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Wow, I so admire your stomaching the full Monty of this Demonic Taskfarce! And I let out an audible gasp when I saw our Australian professional cognitive inoculator, John Cook, and his pre-bunk-the-Uncle spawn. These people are stealth operators preparing the sleeping public for their new regime. Whether they know the historical evil lineage they are continuing or not, they are more dangerous than the up-front tyrants.

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So you know of John Cook. I thought of you when writing this. The manipulation is horrendous.

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I first encountered John Cook when he was running the Denial 101 MOOC through his website skepticalscience in my days (embarrassing) as a budding climate activist. A German teaching assistant on that course was the one who put me onto Citizens' Climate Lobby, which was just starting up in Australia at the time. I remained FB friends with her, and during the pandemonium she started posting about "inoculating people against misinformation about the vaccines". The penny dropped. She and Cook had co-authored the paper, based on his PhD thesis, about expert "consensus" on climate change. Cook is now open-and-proud about his prebunking role covering many topics - the hubris is staggering. https://researchmgt.monash.edu/ws/portalfiles/portal/344861133/338159045_oa.pdf

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I just saw this, Rosemary. Looks very interesting

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Also consider the Taskforce is headed by Former Ramsay Foundation strategy lead Jeni Whalan "focusing on strengthening democracy, building social trust in public institutions and responding to extremism and authoritarianism." ...... Same foundations pop up over and over https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/taskforce-aims-to-build-back-trust-in-government-20230105-p5cahp

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Taschi, I just read the article. Tom Burton is a seasoned journalist but has he come to this. The last paragraph where he sums up is the worst sort of compliant drivel:

"Trust gives governments the social licence to implement collective action (such as the response to COVID-19) for mutual benefit and to address complex, long-term challenges. It is also seen as critical to the increasing use of personal data to design programs and to link services together around people’s life events.

What he's telling us is that if they can trick in to trusting them, they can do what they want. It looks like Jeni Whalan wrote it.

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Thanks for this post Warren, lots to think about…

Re “…another Young Global Leader’s demand (Greg Hunt)…”

I don’t think Greg Hunt was a YGL. Rather, during 2000-2001, just before he entered the Australian Parliament, Hunt was Director of Global Strategy – World Economic Forum, Geneva, responsible for the development of global strategy for the WEF, working directly to the CEO.

Also, during 1999-2001 he was Engagement Manager – McKinsey & Co and provided specialist advice in telecommunications, start-ups, government reform and the banking sector.

See his bio here: https://www.greghunt.com.au/about-greg/biography/

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Thanks for your replies, Elizabeth. I think you are right that Hunt held other jobs with WEF too. Swiss Policy Research has him recorded as a YGL and they are normally pretty good. Either way, he has had and probably continues to have a close relationship with Klaus.


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Klaus Schwab boasted “…so we penetrate zee cabinets…” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxJ1wPnkk4

And to facilitate the manufactured ‘Covid’ crisis in Australia, former WEF Director of Global Strategy Greg Hunt was in situ as ‘Health Minister’. In this position he worked with Chief Medical Officers Brendan Murphy and Paul Kelly, and Governor-General David Hurley, to ensnare the Australian people in lockdowns and restrictions, denying them free movement and association until they submitted to the vaccine agenda.

Now we have Weffie YGL Clare O’Neil in place as Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security…to carry out the digital agenda…you could not make this up.

The Australian people have no idea what they are being set up for, and how they were betrayed and exploited throughout the ‘Covid’ debacle…

None of this is legitimate, there has been no informed consent…

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Also this group - you can watch the vid on "How Australian federal politicians would like to reform their democracy" - because it's THEIRS apparently 🤔....... https://www.democracy2025.gov.au/

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Excellent review. This has been in the making for many years. I did this podcast a few years ago and it covers the trajectory and where it is heading https://rumble.com/v12rd1l-taschi-talks-episode-16-crisis-in-democracy.html

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Blue Mountains City Council has been doing ICLEI's bidding since at least 2005.

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Thanks Taschi. Listening now

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