Local Councils are where the left/Greenies get to practice their politics, cut their teeth, often with the hope & intention of moving up to State or Federal level - where they can do REAL damage (and assuming the Union escalator to power is not open to them, for whatever reason).
They take advantage of the relative apathy of residents who are usually concerned only with bins & parking - and anyway, are too busy living in the real world.
So good on you for your regular expose of Council meetings...please continue to be a thorn in the side of those who seek to impose their ideology on the rest of us.
Brilliant deconstruction of a wannabe tyrant! Every sentence he uttered in his tantrum is gold for satire and exposure of intent. He is the Justin Trudeau of the Blue Mountains - totally spilling the beans about an agenda that they'd rather just sneak in while we are all watching Biden vs Trump BS. You are performing a vital role in defrocking these emperor-aspirees and their friends in high places. And your cartoons are choke-over-breakfast-laughing material!
Mark Greenhill is so extraordinarily divisive. I listened to the first man speak, and he was only asking for the data relied upon for the BM Council Net Zero plan. Noted was that Greenhill didn't answer that, and just talked about fringe minorities. The name "Captain Fear" sums him up brilliantly. I am so glad you are capturing this disturbing farce.
Similar is happening in Councils across the country, as you know. Some are more subtle so it is good when someone like Mark gives us a real insight into what is happening,
Maybe Mayor Greenhill needs the services of one of the Mental Health outlets burgeoning in the mountains. He could get some tips on anger management and his other undesirable behaviour. But wait… he would need some self awareness first.
Awesome Substack!!! Do you know Maggie Hope Braun of the Gather 2030 Substack? She has been uniting people all across Canada with tons of information and recently had a success in Thorold Ontario Canada. Here is a link to her Substack!
Would highly recommend her stack for resource material as it is likely useful to you to as it applies to issues surrounding the UN and their goals. I recently learned that the the UN and their Agenda 21 was accepted by most municipalities and countries in 1992...unbelievable that only a small percentage of humans around the globe know this. Rosa Koire was great before she passed alerting many to the "Limits to Growth"
Thanks Em. I will follow those links up. On your 1992 point, I came across that a while ago through Canadian clip. I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact moment things changed in Australia or at our Council. Thanks the ICLEI link too. Where are you, in Canada?
Talknet (would love to know your name). What you have placed here is simply wonderful. Thank you. This made me laugh: "I put a report together for a presentation to 3rd year Enviro Science student in 2010; they freaked out, quite literally. The instructor had to bring in the government head of environmental science to put the kids back in their safety bubble".
Masterpiece of writing .. this fellas off his chops I’m amazed he can fit through the door with that over inflated ego of his
Boy oh boy. These tyrants are the same everywhere. This was very, very familiar. Thanks for standing up at the local level.
Local Councils are where the left/Greenies get to practice their politics, cut their teeth, often with the hope & intention of moving up to State or Federal level - where they can do REAL damage (and assuming the Union escalator to power is not open to them, for whatever reason).
They take advantage of the relative apathy of residents who are usually concerned only with bins & parking - and anyway, are too busy living in the real world.
So good on you for your regular expose of Council meetings...please continue to be a thorn in the side of those who seek to impose their ideology on the rest of us.
Thanks IGW. I do my best
Brilliant deconstruction of a wannabe tyrant! Every sentence he uttered in his tantrum is gold for satire and exposure of intent. He is the Justin Trudeau of the Blue Mountains - totally spilling the beans about an agenda that they'd rather just sneak in while we are all watching Biden vs Trump BS. You are performing a vital role in defrocking these emperor-aspirees and their friends in high places. And your cartoons are choke-over-breakfast-laughing material!
Thanks Rosemary. The Justin Trudeau comparison made me laugh. Probably because it is so close to true
Mark Greenhill is so extraordinarily divisive. I listened to the first man speak, and he was only asking for the data relied upon for the BM Council Net Zero plan. Noted was that Greenhill didn't answer that, and just talked about fringe minorities. The name "Captain Fear" sums him up brilliantly. I am so glad you are capturing this disturbing farce.
Similar is happening in Councils across the country, as you know. Some are more subtle so it is good when someone like Mark gives us a real insight into what is happening,
Maybe Mayor Greenhill needs the services of one of the Mental Health outlets burgeoning in the mountains. He could get some tips on anger management and his other undesirable behaviour. But wait… he would need some self awareness first.
Awesome Substack!!! Do you know Maggie Hope Braun of the Gather 2030 Substack? She has been uniting people all across Canada with tons of information and recently had a success in Thorold Ontario Canada. Here is a link to her Substack!
And another one here that has also been helpful.
Would highly recommend her stack for resource material as it is likely useful to you to as it applies to issues surrounding the UN and their goals. I recently learned that the the UN and their Agenda 21 was accepted by most municipalities and countries in 1992...unbelievable that only a small percentage of humans around the globe know this. Rosa Koire was great before she passed alerting many to the "Limits to Growth"
Thanks Em. I will follow those links up. On your 1992 point, I came across that a while ago through Canadian clip. I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact moment things changed in Australia or at our Council. Thanks the ICLEI link too. Where are you, in Canada?
Talknet (would love to know your name). What you have placed here is simply wonderful. Thank you. This made me laugh: "I put a report together for a presentation to 3rd year Enviro Science student in 2010; they freaked out, quite literally. The instructor had to bring in the government head of environmental science to put the kids back in their safety bubble".
Keep up the great work.
Thanks for your stand and I hope you are right about better in the future.
A lot to take in here, TALKnet. I will come back to you once I have digested it.