9 hrs agoLiked by Warren Ross

Once again thank you for diving deep into the smelly bowels of the DisinfoPolicers and bringing out the nasty remains for us to examine. Thank goodness they will still allow satire! (Until, of course, they realise its power.) Your characterisation of the "don't-want-to-go-there"s is superbly accurate: they are the already-fallen in this war for our minds.

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Yes, Rosey, they will allow satire but they will also define what it is.

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BTW: they must have seen this debridement and run, because the link to their MisinfoBill is "service unavailable" and they are "working to restore" it - teehee! https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/legislation/bills/r7239_first-reps/toc_pdf/24106b01.PDF;fileType=application%2Fpdf

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Yes Doctor. I tried two links to the document yesterday which did not work and then hit on one that does. Just like the NSW Disaster Adaptation Plan submission failure. The commitment to public consultation is very thin.

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Thanks for all your hard work Warren. I’m in awe of how much time you spend to dissect all this govt nonsense. Sincerely hope that the bill is shelved yet again and permanently.

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Thanks for taking the time to read it and comment, Diane.

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Very scary stuff.

When I was giving out How-To-Votes for my local party, Peaceful Bayside (who don't have a platform against vaccines or similar, I simply align with them because they are concerned with local issues), I had discussions with the Labor and Greens HTVers too about both the covid BS and 9/11.

The Greens guy, really nice guy, was in Manhattan when "9/11" happened. He was right there and when I told him that the jumpers were faked he wouldn't have a bar of it ... which is understandable. But they were - it was all fake apart from the building destructions.


And when I tried to tell him and the Labor people that covid was nothing more than rebranded cold and flu they wouldn't have a bar of it. I can understand it because people know people who died - why they died is another matter but they know people who died - and quite a number of people experienced sickness in a way they were never sick before. When you've got all the propaganda at you 24/7 and you experience sickness in a way you've never experienced it before and you know people who died it's pretty compelling. But I didn't get sick in any special way, didn't know anyone who died and I knew it was total BS from Day One.

There seems to be evidence there is a corresponding increase in sickness when new technologies are implemented and when they are a fake pandemic-type of event is orchestrated. So perhaps the different type of sickness has been caused by the 5G rollout.


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The understanding you offered to these people is the appropriate response. You didn't need to be told that but we are all on spectrum of understanding. I was discussing this with a friend today. I now have few notions of the world that I won't allow to be challenged. It is a very different place to the one I thought I lived in 4 years ago. Some of the things you have introduced me to have been challenging but I have no reason to question given the time and research I know you have put into them. The Kennedy event is extraordinarily rich seam to investigate. I appreciate your opening of my eyes to that.

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