Another reason why we need to stop the belligerent occupation 👍

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So what is the reason given for last year's Traffic Management Plan not being able to be used this year?

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Petra, that is unclear but I will find out.

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Just to say in relation to Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning is an agent who used the faked Collateral Murder to infiltrate Wikileaks - but nobody wants to know that ... and you have to wonder why that is.


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Thanks Petra. You are an invaluable source. I will follow the link

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What people really have no idea of when they simply "go along to get along" and ignore all the lies is that our lives are more and more impacted by these lies.

It's utterly infuriating.

The first film to wake me up to the lies was JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ). While this film is wrong on the fundamentals of both 9/11 and JFK in that in both those events the deaths were faked (and in the case of 9/11 the injuries too) it is still very instructive. In the film, the film-maker, Francis Richard Conolly, says:

"All terror is fake."

I thought it was a big call at the time ... but the claim has proved pretty much to be completely unexaggerated.



Both the incidents you refer to involving vehicles were clearly staged events. I remember, before YouTube started banning all the hoax videos, psyop analysts going nuts with that Melbourne incident - it was so utterly ridiculous. Equally though was the Berlin one.

This is a video on the Berlin truck exposing, among other things, interesting details about people who "just happened to be there". https://altcensored.com/watch?v=85XzIO3luwQ

This is another video on a slow-running platform by Australian analyst, Anaconda Malt Liquor, https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=7SUWW1SMHUHD

I cannot now find analysis of the Flinders St Saeed Noori incident (so sad that so much analysis has disappeared) but just look at the media stories yourself. What hypothesis do you think is favoured by the strangeness and sloppiness of the reporting?

Staged - where they give you the clues in sloppiness and strangeness known as Revelation of the Method - or real?


I hadn't heard of the Vivid drowning and just looked at the story now. It fits psyop used to justify the introduction of some kind of risk measure perfectly, especially using an Irish person we might equate to FIFO (Fly In Fly Out). A priori, we have to wonder why when someone falls into the water in front of his friends with loads of other people around he wasn't able to be rescued.


"Minutes after he fell, the go-ahead was given to start the sound and light show, a move which police said interfered with the efforts of rescuers to coordinate an effective response."

[Comment: "Minutes" and "go ahead" is strange. What time did he fall in the water? What time did the light show start? Who gave the go ahead?]


"But she found the decision to start the show did not have any effect on the survival of Hickey, whose relatives described him as hard-working, social and a family man idolised by his nieces and nephews."

[Why did the go ahead not have any effect?]

"No reference was made to controls already in place such a lifebuoy and fixed emergency ladders, and no analysis was made of them in the context of Vivid and factors such as its proximity to licensed premises."

[Why not?]

"While CEG had made changes, there was “no evidence that the underlying weaknesses in CEG’s risk assessment and risk management processes have been addressed”."


"She noted an expert’s opinion that the erection of permanent fencing to isolate the waters’ edge at Cockle Bay would significantly reduce the risk of drowning."


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The Kennedy film is excellent.

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