I attended that meeting and yes possibly the fastest council meeting on record!
The very fact of not allowing any person at that meeting a voice, says to me that there is a larger Public Private Partnership agenda playing out ... whereby we, the local People, the local community must have no say in, have no right of reply, no right to object to ... we are expected to just accept what has been already well planned by those in 'higher' places ... those being the Private sector ... the corporates ... the funders of all things 'sustainable' for our future wellbeing.
Our local councils, our major political parties (Labor, Libs, Greens) have all been captured by these entities, so what can we, the People, do; what do we need to do to counterbalance them?
A start would be to constantly remind 'them' that we are the local community, regardless of where we stand or what they label us ... they must include us and hear what we have to say ... they must debate us and listen, that's the very least. Anything short of that, and their use of the words 'community', "diversity', 'inclusiveness', would be nothing short of insulting, hypocritical and very stupid!
Michael, you are right, the Mayor likes to sell the notion we live in a perfect world, a large part of which is his creation. The only demons are deranged citizens that he is protecting the good people from. He will NOT engage on matters of vital importance. He prefers the grand public performance where he can display his unbounded love for creatures great and miniscule.
It seems quite hard to engage with our local politicians on many important issues. I remember leading a post Royal Commission Aged Care campaign in the Blue Mountains as a delegate for the NSW Nurses and Midwives Federation. Local politicians were happy to have their photos taken at various stalls which played up very well in the Gazette. Yet, when our community's interest has conflicted sharply with powerful, outside interests, in recent times, they cannot be found.
Here is some very good news regarding our legal situation. And that of council! An interview by Richard Vobes with William Keyte and John Lock who is Australian, but both countries come under English Constitutional Law and more essentially Natural or Common Law. It takes time to understand and realise this actual situation but it is real and can be learned and applied. Our council and politicians are breaking the law and we can learn what that law is and hold them accountable. If not today, tomorrow!
Who are the bullies? If you listen to Mayor of the Blue Mountains, Mark Greenhill, it seems we members of the community are the THE BULLIES on any issue he cares to select; hounding poor transgender victims in all corners of our community or spreading infection amongst the vaxxed and the good. It is as thought we do little else.
Yet, so many of the attacks in the last few years have clearly been directed at community and family. This is even evidence of this at the local Council level. And there are signs that more attacks are coming, despite Marks's assurances or perhaps because of them.
With events at the recent Council meeting top of my mind. I found this quote from Abigail Schrier's book: “Arrested Development – Teenage Girls and the Transgender Craze” of particular interest:
“These bullies must be beaten back with every new LGBTQ policy and so much febrile instruction. They are the barbarians outside the schoolyard (and Council, it seems) that teachers (and Mayors) are fighting so hard to fend off.
Children's welfare – as defined by activists – is not their priority. These bullies who know nothing about gender theory or queer theory, are officious intermeddlers in school policy and teacher instruction.
They aren't even embarrassed by their own ignorance, They really shouldn't be considered at all, except that America's backward laws insist on allowing their intrusion.
Thanks for the comprehensive report Warren. You obviously know our beloved mayor and council very well, having interacted with them over many years. I am constantly disappointed and really quite bothered by these petty dictators. I am banned from the mayor’s official and private Facebook page for daring to ask him a question he didn’t want to answer re the ‘anti vax’ bus some time ago. If they introduce drag story hour I will be protesting loudly along with many others I expect.
Yes. Thank you Warren for this incredible report. And Diane for taking your strong stand. Those drag queens are predatory men, dressed up as women and being given a green light to pervert and distort the minds of children. A crime by any standard but a still greater crime by those such as the Lord Mayor and our own council who might as well be enforcing this, all the while defaming and silencing parents and all sane people. At every level this is the most Satanic plot conceivable. Another big word I have never used before.
I don't know what plans the Mayor has. Interesting that his words were repeated word for word in the Star Observer. I guess we have to keep an eye to that august publication for his future plans. Balance might have invited comment from members of the public who attended. That might be hard if you were not there and don't know any of them. I would prefer to read our Blue Mountains Gazette. Aside from article headline, Jennie Curtin did a very good job.
It sounds to me like the mayor has plans to keep delivering the NWO conspiracies that he so vehemently denies. A very keen slave hoping to rise in the ranks.
If you've explored the BMCC website, you've probably come across the development plans. A major word salad sprinkled liberally with the usual UN/WEF word mantras sustainable, equality, diversity, etc etc. Much reading between the lines is required.
That is certainly true. There is a strong commitment to the UN s Sustainability Development Goals without any real consideration of or consultation with the local community.. What are they doing with links to the Rockefeller Foundation? See 100 Resilient Cities link in green box: https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/blue-mountains-planetary-health-partnerships
Diane, I wrote to the mayor and each of the councillors separately a hard copy letter with evidence and links in relation to their stance (well, his stance and they nodded along) to the vax bus. No acknowledgement not a single reply. Followed up with more evidence to each separately via email. No reply no acknowledgement from any of them. At the very least, it is discourteous.
Yes Tee Cee, it might pay us to spend some time trying to understand who our Councillors represent because it it is certainly not us. I do know one Councillor speaks disparagingly of "white men".
That's interesting (as well as disconcerting) I don't recall seeing any black brown or yellow people there. I refuse to use the PC term people of colour btw
It is breathtaking to witness how our culture and language is being twisted day by day, idiot by idiot, Lord Mayor by Alphabet.
I saw a great speech describing what is happening by James Lindsay at a Woke Conference in Europe.
What stands out in the speech is how the new woke “revolutionaries” have their own flags and plant them like all colonists did in the places they now appropriate as their own. And in our our case, the natives are called cookers instead of niggers. And that’s the first time I ever used that word.
Judith, that is an interesting analogy. I did hear from a Councillor who seems to see the world the way you described. It does seem like a long march across our lives. They said some outrageous things. I will watch the video.
Warren, this is an eloquent and very comprehensive, accurate account. Have you written this to the council/the mayor as well or is this the only place you have recorded your thoughts? It would be a shame to waste such valuable commentary in the closed cyberspace of substack. They need to see this, I think.
It was sent to all Councillors except the Mayor.. After I wrote to him about the AVN bus coming to the mountains, he requested i not write to him on related matters. He seems to have a very narrow range of prescribed interests. I am sure it was shared with him.
He's got no right to tell you not to write to him. Hearing all opinions from all constituents is his job. He can't get to pick and choose what he wants to do. No employer will let an employee do that. He isn't our boss to be issuing instructions to us as to what subject and when to write to him. I'd double down. But that's me.
Thanks Warren,
I attended that meeting and yes possibly the fastest council meeting on record!
The very fact of not allowing any person at that meeting a voice, says to me that there is a larger Public Private Partnership agenda playing out ... whereby we, the local People, the local community must have no say in, have no right of reply, no right to object to ... we are expected to just accept what has been already well planned by those in 'higher' places ... those being the Private sector ... the corporates ... the funders of all things 'sustainable' for our future wellbeing.
Our local councils, our major political parties (Labor, Libs, Greens) have all been captured by these entities, so what can we, the People, do; what do we need to do to counterbalance them?
A start would be to constantly remind 'them' that we are the local community, regardless of where we stand or what they label us ... they must include us and hear what we have to say ... they must debate us and listen, that's the very least. Anything short of that, and their use of the words 'community', "diversity', 'inclusiveness', would be nothing short of insulting, hypocritical and very stupid!
Michael, you are right, the Mayor likes to sell the notion we live in a perfect world, a large part of which is his creation. The only demons are deranged citizens that he is protecting the good people from. He will NOT engage on matters of vital importance. He prefers the grand public performance where he can display his unbounded love for creatures great and miniscule.
It seems quite hard to engage with our local politicians on many important issues. I remember leading a post Royal Commission Aged Care campaign in the Blue Mountains as a delegate for the NSW Nurses and Midwives Federation. Local politicians were happy to have their photos taken at various stalls which played up very well in the Gazette. Yet, when our community's interest has conflicted sharply with powerful, outside interests, in recent times, they cannot be found.
Indeed, and Greenhill's "No one left behind" trope he spouted at the March meeting.
Yes, Mish, he has to go or the lives are going to change immeasurably under his gilded watch. It is like we are living under Louis XIV.
Here is some very good news regarding our legal situation. And that of council! An interview by Richard Vobes with William Keyte and John Lock who is Australian, but both countries come under English Constitutional Law and more essentially Natural or Common Law. It takes time to understand and realise this actual situation but it is real and can be learned and applied. Our council and politicians are breaking the law and we can learn what that law is and hold them accountable. If not today, tomorrow!
Thanks Judith. I am watching this now.
Who are the bullies? If you listen to Mayor of the Blue Mountains, Mark Greenhill, it seems we members of the community are the THE BULLIES on any issue he cares to select; hounding poor transgender victims in all corners of our community or spreading infection amongst the vaxxed and the good. It is as thought we do little else.
Yet, so many of the attacks in the last few years have clearly been directed at community and family. This is even evidence of this at the local Council level. And there are signs that more attacks are coming, despite Marks's assurances or perhaps because of them.
With events at the recent Council meeting top of my mind. I found this quote from Abigail Schrier's book: “Arrested Development – Teenage Girls and the Transgender Craze” of particular interest:
“These bullies must be beaten back with every new LGBTQ policy and so much febrile instruction. They are the barbarians outside the schoolyard (and Council, it seems) that teachers (and Mayors) are fighting so hard to fend off.
Children's welfare – as defined by activists – is not their priority. These bullies who know nothing about gender theory or queer theory, are officious intermeddlers in school policy and teacher instruction.
They aren't even embarrassed by their own ignorance, They really shouldn't be considered at all, except that America's backward laws insist on allowing their intrusion.
They go by “Mum” and “Dad”.
On the question of who can speak to Notices of Motion, Tracy Burgess, from Council, sent this advice today:
Members of the public are welcome to address the Council on any items of business in the Business Paper OTHER THAN:
• Unconfirmed Minutes;
• Minutes by the Mayor;
• Rescission Motions;
• Questions with Notice;
• Responses to Questions without Notice;
• Responses to Questions with Notice;
• Notices of Motion (including Rescission Motions);
• the Précis of Correspondence; and
• Matters of Urgency.
Thanks for the comprehensive report Warren. You obviously know our beloved mayor and council very well, having interacted with them over many years. I am constantly disappointed and really quite bothered by these petty dictators. I am banned from the mayor’s official and private Facebook page for daring to ask him a question he didn’t want to answer re the ‘anti vax’ bus some time ago. If they introduce drag story hour I will be protesting loudly along with many others I expect.
Yes. Thank you Warren for this incredible report. And Diane for taking your strong stand. Those drag queens are predatory men, dressed up as women and being given a green light to pervert and distort the minds of children. A crime by any standard but a still greater crime by those such as the Lord Mayor and our own council who might as well be enforcing this, all the while defaming and silencing parents and all sane people. At every level this is the most Satanic plot conceivable. Another big word I have never used before.
Agree Judith. We must fight this.
I don't know what plans the Mayor has. Interesting that his words were repeated word for word in the Star Observer. I guess we have to keep an eye to that august publication for his future plans. Balance might have invited comment from members of the public who attended. That might be hard if you were not there and don't know any of them. I would prefer to read our Blue Mountains Gazette. Aside from article headline, Jennie Curtin did a very good job.
It sounds to me like the mayor has plans to keep delivering the NWO conspiracies that he so vehemently denies. A very keen slave hoping to rise in the ranks.
If you've explored the BMCC website, you've probably come across the development plans. A major word salad sprinkled liberally with the usual UN/WEF word mantras sustainable, equality, diversity, etc etc. Much reading between the lines is required.
That is certainly true. There is a strong commitment to the UN s Sustainability Development Goals without any real consideration of or consultation with the local community.. What are they doing with links to the Rockefeller Foundation? See 100 Resilient Cities link in green box: https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/blue-mountains-planetary-health-partnerships
The sustainable, resilient, inclusive, diverse development plans that make you want to vomit even before reading. Nothing good here or in between.
BMCC WEF/UN sellouts.
Diane, I wrote to the mayor and each of the councillors separately a hard copy letter with evidence and links in relation to their stance (well, his stance and they nodded along) to the vax bus. No acknowledgement not a single reply. Followed up with more evidence to each separately via email. No reply no acknowledgement from any of them. At the very least, it is discourteous.
Yes Tee Cee, it might pay us to spend some time trying to understand who our Councillors represent because it it is certainly not us. I do know one Councillor speaks disparagingly of "white men".
That's interesting (as well as disconcerting) I don't recall seeing any black brown or yellow people there. I refuse to use the PC term people of colour btw
I am perfectly colourblind
Indeed. They have no respect or responsibility to the community. Good on you for trying to cut through.
Thanks Diane. Your support means a lot
It is breathtaking to witness how our culture and language is being twisted day by day, idiot by idiot, Lord Mayor by Alphabet.
I saw a great speech describing what is happening by James Lindsay at a Woke Conference in Europe.
What stands out in the speech is how the new woke “revolutionaries” have their own flags and plant them like all colonists did in the places they now appropriate as their own. And in our our case, the natives are called cookers instead of niggers. And that’s the first time I ever used that word.
https://youtu.be/lc0684V2ej8 The speech.
Judith, that is an interesting analogy. I did hear from a Councillor who seems to see the world the way you described. It does seem like a long march across our lives. They said some outrageous things. I will watch the video.
Warren, this is an eloquent and very comprehensive, accurate account. Have you written this to the council/the mayor as well or is this the only place you have recorded your thoughts? It would be a shame to waste such valuable commentary in the closed cyberspace of substack. They need to see this, I think.
It was sent to all Councillors except the Mayor.. After I wrote to him about the AVN bus coming to the mountains, he requested i not write to him on related matters. He seems to have a very narrow range of prescribed interests. I am sure it was shared with him.
He's got no right to tell you not to write to him. Hearing all opinions from all constituents is his job. He can't get to pick and choose what he wants to do. No employer will let an employee do that. He isn't our boss to be issuing instructions to us as to what subject and when to write to him. I'd double down. But that's me.
I understand. Yet, getting in touch with him gives me no pleasure, particularly, when he is so disdainful. I know he will see it anyway.