13 hrs agoLiked by Warren Ross

But, but,but.....Warren! The science is in, it's settled, 97% is a huge number,consensus is truth, we are in a climate emergency simultaneously burning drowning battered by cyclonic storms,polar bears are floating around on ice floes.....Just look out of your window, it's hell out there....cool and raining, in Australia of all places and at this time of year.?

I was going jump into my ev to raise the alarm in town but the battery is flat, no sun to charge the batteries! I could crank up the diesel tractor but the carbon, the carbon!

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Very good. Cookie really had me going with that Cranky Uncle cold weather anecdote. Congratulations on your extraordinary restraint. From now on you will be known as Simon neutral.

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Established science is stable science or controlled through funding, publishing and peer review. The stabled/paid minds like their hay and shelter. Consenus is behaviour engineering, not science. Science loves scrutiny. Truth loves scrutiny.

Carbon dioxide is a temporary thing. It is removed via rain. Air and water cycle. They distill themselves. Always the carrier not bonded to the impurities within.

my model:

air is bubbles, bubbles carry stuff. eg smoke, sand (sand storms), dirt (dust storms).

Air is compressible because it is bubbles

Water is full bubbles or drops.

Water is not very compressible, it has weight that increases with depth.

Pressure is really a measure of moisture/humidity.

sea level air has moist air and 1 atmosphere.

Mountain level air has dry air or thin air and less pressure.

The cooler the air, the dryer the air, the less the pressure.

Planes like to cruise at altitude to take advantage of dryer air and combustion efficiency.

Read my article: We breath air not oxygen

I tip over a few sacred cows, get ready to revisit all you think you know.

click on my blue icon to read.

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Jane, I would not dare argue with you. Thanks for your comment and will click the button.

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You liked it. Has it got you thinking, researching?

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Fantastic article, Warren, and will write another comment.

Just to put forward two interesting origins of terms:

TIN-FOIL HAT - originates from a very weird and prescient short story written in 1927 by Julian Huxley titled "The Tissue-Culture King", wherein the main character uses a metal hat to prevent being mind controlled by the villain scientist. https://www.revolutionsf.com/fiction/tissue/

INOCULATION - From highly-recommended article by Mike Stone, Lost & Found, containing analyses of newspaper articles in the late 1800s/early 1900s (when the press was far less censored) expressing a number of doctors' rubbishing of germ theory and vaccines.


Dr. Hadwen discussed how the idea of producing a mild form of disease artificially through vaccination in order to create “immunity” originated from India. The people of India have a goddess of smallpox named Matah, and in order to appease the goddess to avoid disease, they would tattoo diseased material into their heads. The term “inoculation” comes from “in oculo” which is Latin for “between the eyes.” Thus, the whole idea of inoculation is a superstitious pagan practice involving a false goddess.

This superstitious practice was brought to England in 1721 by Lady Wortley Montague. However, after 80 years of using inoculations of smallpox materials to combat the disease, it was even worse than before. However, in the late 1700s, Edward Jenner heard of the dairy maids superstition that those who had cowpox did not get smallpox. The cow doctors of the time laughed at Jenner and told him that it was silly folklore, but Jenner ignored them as he was on the lookout for something that would bring him a fortune. Jenner assumed and asserted, “If cowpox prevents smallpox, cowpox must be smallpox of the cow. Now let's give everybody cowpox instead of inoculating them with the smallpox. Cowpox isn't infectious, and it protects a person forever against the disease.”

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I do remember the Jenner story. Thanks for the refresher. The tin-foil origin is very interesting as is the inoculation reference. Oculo and a pagan practice. Fascinating. Stone's reference to sanitation is a key part of the story. I have subscribed to Mike Stone. Thanks for the tip.

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I remembered the Jenner story too ... but I believed it. I thought, "Oh OK, cow pox is a mild form of small pox and if you take stuff from the cow pox lesions you can make a vaccine against small pox." It seems soooo ridiculous now.

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Thank you so much Warren for unpacking the Unquestionable Holy 97%! I actually did Cook's Denial 101 to learn how to debunk climate deniers. Not being versed in climate science myself, I naively "trusted the experts" in those days. It was Cook's colleague Winkler who put me onto the newly formed Australian Citizens' Climate Lobby in which I was an active 'crusader' for a few years. But come the pandemonium, there was Winkler, and Cook, talking about 'inoculating' against 'misinformation' about the 'vaccines'! Wait a tick...what?? Having been a biologist I knew more about transfection injections than climate science, and the penny finally dropped. I had been duped by these professional cognitive inoculators. I started listening to the "3%" (whom I had previously reflexively labelled as 'funded by BigOil'). The science is far from settled, but these dangerous folks have taken it upon themselves to social engineer us into a herd of useful idiots. Here is Cook selling the pitch: you name a topic and we'll inoculate your population against differing opinions. https://researchmgt.monash.edu/ws/portalfiles/portal/344861133/338159045_oa.pdf

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Thanks for posting that inoculation paper, Rosey. What these people are up to is beyond ghastly. I am struck by how unsophisticated their work is and the fact they are targeting children. There is a word for that isn't there .... pred....? The game plan for climate is so similar to the Covid one. Only the subject headings need to be changed.

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Yes, I fell for the former, woke up with the latter, and now I'm a REALLY cranky Auntie! Poor kids, not only do they get shot up with a plethora of Pharma-Inoculations, now they get mind-f...ed with cognitive inoculations! Very dangerous people.

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