Warren, So I'm going over your article more carefully now and clicked the link and see submissions close tomorrow - I didn't even know there was an inquiry for which people could make submissions and I just assumed the people you list above were doing the inquiry all by themselves - although that's what it might amount to as your subtitle indicates. I assume you're making a submission? I guess I should make one too.

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Petra, please do put in a submission. If enough of us do, it may give them some reason for caution. So many things are coming at us at this time of year. It is hardly an accident.

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I put in a submission which is basically just my post on the covid fraud very slightly edited at the top and in the comment section I put a link to this post, mentioning the subtitle and stating how the inquiry showed no signs of being independent in any shape or form.

I wonder how much "moderation" of submissions will occur


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Our country is full of these loops, in positions of influence. The "inquiry" will follow Hallett for tips.

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5 to 11 year olds are now safer, Mary Louise is no more. Great substack.👍

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Y rs, mellifluous voice biut borderline insane.

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You had me in stitches with your wit, Warren! Thanks for doing all this research into the three stooges: the See No Problem, Hear No Complaints and Speak No anti-Narrative. Truly a well-designed Claytons Inquiry! One word out of line and their pre-brain processing will instantly dismiss us as the usual A-V, CT riff-raff even before blinking and without needing to activate any frontal lobe activity or wondering why they are binning our submissions.

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Glad you enjoyed it, Rosey. It is pretty transparent. No-one is going to step out of line there. It is the apparent confidence that gets me.

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"Never run an enquiry without knowing the outcome."

No truer words spoken and excellent exposure of who the "inquirers" are.

The criminality is all laid before us in plain sight ... and yet the blindness, the sheer willful blindness.

Another bogus inquiry is the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry which is all about justice for the loved ones of those who allegedly died on 9/11 however the lie of death and injury is also hidden massively in plain sight because we can see very clearly that death and injury were staged - the alleged dead people were either made up (obvious fakery of photos) or given new identities Witness-Protection-Program style, the miracle survivor stories are ludicrous as are the 9/11 firefighter "oral" histories, the images of the injured perfectly fit "drill" injured, etc.

It's fascinating how on the back of over a century of medical fraudulence thousands upon thousands of health professionals can be propagandised and coerced into injecting people with substances that have zero benefit but often injure, maim or kill while there is no basis for propagandising or coercing demolition professionals to only partially evacuate buildings before destroying them. That's not a thing.

Covid is certainly not their first BBQ and there are many other fraudulent BBQs still running.

Highly recommended for understanding the fraudulence of germ theory, virology and vaccinology is Mike Stone's www.viroliegy.com.

Other names on my substack, Covid Dissidents


Rule of thumb: when they tell you they're killing people they're not and when they tell you they're saving people ...

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Thanks Petra. I will definitely have a look at your master list. I am aware of the Flexner Report and the games Carnegie, initially, played in health. I understand he later took on undermining education and left health to Rockefeller.

What a story 9/11 is. I came to that late but am very clear this was a psyop. How imaginative these people are. Nothing surprises me any more. Thanks for your comment.

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When you get familiar with the MO ... not so imaginative I don't think. I think it all goes back to the ancient Egyptians - possibly even before? - but somehow the little people have never caught on. The most impressive thing to me is that it's all done hidden in plain sight and there's even a rule, Revelation of the Method. The irony is that propaganda actually works better that way, counterintuitive as it may seem.


In case of any confusion, my initial link to Covid Dissidents was made in error to a Master List of Logical Fallacies which I mirrored from another site - highly recommended anyway so I'll repeat it.


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Great work, Warren, I've just restacked this article.

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Thanks Andrew. I appreciate it. Have a great Christmas.

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You too ! Have a wonderful Christmas.

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Whitewash no doubt. It is despairing seeing these peoples posts on social media because i) they simply amplify recommendations from entities like WHO, CDC, FDA etc as well as private entities like MCRI & ii) they are embedded in positions of influence in many organisations running many programs that have a large reach.

I believe most of these people are sincere, it's just that they can't yet see.

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The conditioning in face of the facts is amazing.

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